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Estate planning should be an important part of every family’s financial planning process. It is recommended that everyone 18 years and older  have some level of estate planning in place regardless of wealth. The estate planning process covers a variety of legal issues surrounding incapacity and death. While it is not a favorite topic to address, those who fail to plan can  leave a painful and lengthy legal process for their family to address during an already difficult and emotional time.

Mr. Nation will assist in creating a personalized estate plan that will work to protect your assets and minimize complications that may arise from life events. Services include the creation of Wills, Trusts, Living Wills, and Powers of Attorney depending on client needs.

Probate is the legal process to ensure that any final bills and expenses are paid, including any taxes owed, and any remaining assets are distributed to the beneficiaries named in a will – if there is one – or in accordance with state law if no will exists. Mr. Nation can guide you through the probate process.

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